Monday, October 21, 2013


After several weeks of what seemed to be non-stop busyness, it was so wonderful to get away with my sweet bride Lyndsey and head to DFW to celebrate the wedding of David and Anna Gale. We enjoyed an awesome weekend seeing family and friends. It was also wonderful to be able to resonate on the beauty of grace that our Savior offers us. Marriage is such a tremendous picture of the grace that is offered to us. During the ceremony, I was reminded of the promise that our Heavenly Father made so many years ago to Abram in Genesis 15. After being commanded to bring several animals and cut them in half, Abram laid the animal halves across from each other forming an aisle. (This was customary during that time in order for a covenant to be formed between two parties. Both groups would pass through the animal halves, symbolizing that the promise would be held together by blood.) This was the physical way God was going to show Abram the covenant He would make. However, God already knew that Abram's descendants would not hold up their end of the promise. God proceeded to pass through the animal halves without Abram, stating that He would hold His end of the promise even though the (future) Israelites were not going to be faithful. What an amazing testimony of our God's grace! Even when we are filthy, irresponsible, disobedient, and downright sinful, our God holds up His end of the promise. Even in the death of Christ, the promise is upheld, because we have never been able to hold up our end of the bargain. We are a wicked race, and could never do enough to earn the salvation God brings. I've been so amazed this weekend of the grace that is offered to me. And in turn, so humbled by how unworthy I am of said grace. Let us all rest in the grace of God, instead of trying to earn favor by our actions. Let us be reminded that God's grace is sufficient to save us.

"My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." -2 Corinthians 12:9a