Friday, January 31, 2014


As a mentor to two high school seniors, I've recently been hit with the realization that their lives, and consequently mine, will be changing very soon. I'm so proud of the young men they are becoming, and I've been blessed to be allowed to see God work in their lives over the past two years.

But having to watch them face a huge new chapter in their lives got me thinking about how we are all facing some sort of transition phase. For some of us, it could be a bigger transition like graduating high school or college, getting married, starting a family, retiring, and so on. But, I think it's interesting that we are all going through a transition of some sort, and I believe that exists on two levels.

First and foremost, there is the transition known as sanctification for believers. I love that God is referred to as "our Potter" in Isaiah 64 because I see a really beautiful picture that's painted. Have you ever tried pottery? I haven't personally...but I watch TV, and I have seen it done several times. 

The one instance that comes up first in my thoughts is the episode of the show Home Improvement when Jill decides to take up pottery. If you've seen the show, or have experienced pottery in another way, you know that the process is not a quick one. I think it is amazing to think of God as molding and shaping us into the image that He wants us to be.

Secondly, I think we can all agree that there's always a time of transition before us mentally and physically. Physically, we're all aging. I know my body doesn't function like it did when I was 13 (I feel really old typing that...but some of you might be laughing at me right now). There is always some transition of how I am feeling physically each day. 

But I also see, at least in myself, a transition that is constantly before me mentally. I find myself thinking often "If I could just move on to this job..." or "If only I could make more money for my wife...".

I don't think there is anything wrong with thinking about the future, or planning for the future. In fact, God does tell us to be wise in regards to every aspect of our lives, and thinking ahead is definitely part of that. But, I know that I'm often so caught up in the things that haven't happened yet that I lose sight of the opportunities I have right here, right now. 

I spend time regularly looking on the internet for jobs that are closer to home, or pay more, or are full-time positions in churches. I've begun to wonder how much time I'm wasting thinking about the future that I miss an opportunity to be a better husband, lead better at church, or work harder at my job. But most of all, how many opportunities am I missing at building relationships with the intent of sharing the Gospel?

As you're faced each day with a transition, how are you approaching that? With fear? With excitement? Or do you approach the transitions of our lives with a determination to be an example of the love and grace of God in order to share His Gospel to a lost and dying world?

The Lord has blessed us and allowed us to be agents of reconciliation (2 Corinthians 5); let's not cower away from that responsibility because we're so caught up in ourselves!

"But now, O Lord, you are our Father; we are the clay, and you are our potter; we are all the work of your hand."  -Isaiah 64:8

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